Real Estate Photography & Solutions

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5 Reasons to Virtually Stage Your Property


Vacant Photo

One of the major advantages of utilizing virtual staging is that it allows potential buyers to fully visualize what each room of a home looks like with furniture and décor. One of the best ways to sell a home is to make potential buyers feel as if the home is perfect for them. This is hard to do when you either have any empty space to show or a space that minimal belongings in it. Virtual staging not only allows you to furnish each room that will attract more buyers but it allows these home seekers to see just how the space can be used if they lived there.     

This is not just beneficial for residential agents. Commercial real estate agents will have the opportunity to furnish office spaces with desks, waiting for areas décor, conference rooms and more so business owners can clearly visualize how the space can be utilized.

Cost efficient.

When it comes to the cost of staging a home, using virtual staging can save you hundreds of dollars. Staging a home the traditional route can cost thousands dollars throughout the life of the listing. Virtually staging is typically a one time fee that should cost only a few hundred dollars for multiple rooms.

Directly target your ideal market.

One of the benefits of virtual staging is that you can customize each home to the style and preference of your target market. This technology allows you to make the home look modern and contemporary or more traditional or perhaps even Victorian! This will make the listing more appealing to the specific buyers you are trying to reach.


Being able to virtually redecorate a room allows you to take out some of the existing furnishings and redesign it in a way that will attract more of your target market.  It can be easy for homeowners to overlook all their personal belongings which may only hinder the sale of the property. Through virtual declutter, you remove the distracting items to show off the actual room.

Sell Faster.

Another benefit of virtual staging is that using virtual staging can help you sell homes faster. Instead of having only images that show a home that is completely empty you can now capture the attention of buyers with a fully furnished home. Buyers can better envision how the home can be used and how to incorporate their own styles with virtual staging.

Tips for staging a home for real estate photography

Tips for staging a home for real estate photography

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